Publications on Ferromagnetic Alloys


Thermal and microstructural evolution under ageing of several high-temperature Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
R. Santamarta, E. Cesari, J. Muntasell, J. Font, J. Pons, P. Ochin // Intermetallics, 18 (5), 977-983


Thermal stability and ordering effects in Ni-Fe-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
J. Font, J. Muntasell, R. Santamarta, J. Pons, E. Cesari, V. Recarte, J. L. Pérez-Landazabal, C. Gómez-Polo,  J. Dutkiewicz // Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 481-482, 261-265

Thermal stability of high-temperature Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
E. Cesari, J. Font, J. Muntasell, P. Ochin, J. Pons, R. Santamarta // Scripta Mater., 58 (4), 259-262


Effect of ageing in Ni-Fe-Ga ferromagnetic shapememory alloys

 J. Font, J. Muntasell, R. Santamarta, F. Masdeu, J. Pons, E. Cesari, C. Seguí, J, Dutkiewicz // Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 438-440, 919-922

Effect of atomic order on the martensitic transformation of Ni-Fe-Ga alloys
R. Santamarta, E. Cesari, J. Font, J. Muntasell, J. Pons, J. Dutkiewicz // Scripta Mater., 54 (12), 1985-1989

Effect of ageing on the martensitic transformation of Ni-Fe-Ga alloys
R. Santamarta, J. Font, J. Muntasell, F. Masdeu, J. Pons, E. Cesari, J. Dutkiewicz // Scripta Mater., 54 (6), 1105-1109


Martensite stabilization in a high temperature Ni-Mn-Ga alloy
C. Seguí, E. Cesari, J. Font, J. Muntasell, V. A. Chernenko // Scripta Mater., 53 (3), 315-318

AC technique applied to cp measurements in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys
E. Cesari, V. A. Chernenko, J. Font, J. Muntasell // Thermochim. Acta, 433, 153-156


Thermomechanical cycling in Cu-Al-Ni-based melt-spun shape-memory ribbons

J. Font, E. Cesari, J. Muntasell, J. Pons // Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 354 (1-2), 207-211


Parent phase ageing and martensite stabilization in Cu-Al-Ni based melt spun shape memory ribbons
C. Seguí, J. Pons, E. Cesari, J. Muntasell, J. Font // Advances in Mechanical behaviour, plasticity and damage, Proceedings, 799-804


Characterization of a hot-rolled Cu-Al-Ni-Ti shape memory alloy
C. Seguí, J. Pons, E. Cesari, J. Muntasell, J. Font // Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 273-275, 625-639


Thermal cycling effects in high temperature Cu-Al-Ni-Mn-B shape memory alloys
J. Font, J. Muntasell, J. Pons, E. Cesari // J. Mater. Research, 12 (9), 2288-2297


Preparation of molecular alloys by the ball milling technique
J. Font, J. Muntasell, E. Cesari, J. Pons // J. Mater. Research, 11 (5), 1069-1071


Preliminary-study of a heat-storage unit using a solid-solid transition
J. Font, J. Muntasell, F. Cardoner // Sol. Ener. Mater. Sol. Cell., 33 (2), 169-176


AC techniqye applied to cp measurements in the martensite-transformation of Cu-Zn-Al alloys
J. Font, J. Muntasell, J. Ll. Tamarit, E. Cesari // Mater. Lett., 14 (1), 7-10


Elaboration of alloys in organic binary-systems
M. A. Cuevas Diarte, E. Estop, J. Muntasell, H. A. J. Oonk, Y. Haget // Anales de Química, 87 (4), 419-426


Influence of grain-growth on the martensitis-transformation in ß-Cu-Zn-Al memory alloys
J. Muntasell, J. Ll. Tamarit, E. Cesari, J. M. Guilemany, J. Gil // Mater. Research Bull., 24 (4), 445-452


Martensitic-transformation differences on poly and single ß-Cu-Zn-Al crystals
J. Muntasell, J. Ll. Tamarit, J. M. Guilemany, J. Gil, E. Cesari // Mater. Research Bull., 23 (11), 1585-1590


High-temperature transformation in stabilized Cu-Zn-Al martensite
M. Mantel, G. Guenin, J. L. Macqueron, J. Muntasell, R. Rapacioli, A. Planes // Scripta Metall., 20 (6), 803-806