Thermal Analysis

Both calorimetry and thermogravimetry are basic techniques in order to analyze the thermal properties of a material

When applying heat to the sample and a pattern reference, temperature of both changes equally until there is a phase transition in the sample. This phase transition is copied by an appropiate software. As well as working like a convencional DSC, the modulated (MDSC) technique allows performing measurements where a periodic signal is superposed to the linearly changing temperature program. This way it is possible to obtain directly some important thermal magnitudes with a very accurate precission, such as the specific heat, or the latent heat in first order phase transitions. the temperture program can go from -80 to 600 ºC.


In the group, we have two different instruments to perform calorimetric measurements and one thermobalance:

-Mettler Toledo DSC-1 Calorimeter

-TGA Q-50 thermobalance and DSC Q-100 calorimeter, from TA Instruments