The tasks of the group can be divided into two lines: In the one hand, the studies of the thermal behaviour of ferromagnetic alloys. In the other hand, the analysis of static and dynamic properties of complex materials consisting in non-conventional liquid crystalls, in bulk and confined to micro and nanostructured systems
Ferromagnetic alloys

Within the "Ferromagnetic Alloys" topic, here in the GRPFM we perform exhaustive studies of the martensitic transformation, in collaboration with the research group of the Faculty of Physics in the University of the Balear Islands, led by Dr. Eduard Cesari.
Shape memory ferromagnetic alloys present very interesting properties, focused on the so-called martensitic transformation. This way, they show many potential applicabilities, in fields such as mechanical engineering or robotics, among others.
Liquid crystals

Within the "Liquid Crystals" topic, in the GRPFM we analyze the physical properties of these compounds, both in bulk and confined to restrictive estructures, in close colaboración with different research groups, specially the Liquid Crystal Group of the Department of Applied Physics II of the Faculty of Science and Technology, in the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao, Spain, led by Prof. María Rosario de la Fuente Lavín.
Liquid crystals are materials presenting at least one intermediate phase between isotropic liquid and crystalline solid phases. Research in liquid crystals is of great interest from both the fundamental and technologic points of view. Tha later includes applications in fields such as optics, optoelectronics or even medicine.